Hello, my name

Woody Lin

College Student, Computer Science, Game Developer, Web Designer, Photographer, 林万程


About Me

A passionate computer science student

As a computer science student pursuing a bachelor's degree, I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills to real-world projects and challenges. My passion for technology and problem-solving drives me to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, and I am always eager to learn more.

Name: Woody Lin
Location: Boston, MA
Email: wancheng.lin001@gmail.com
GPA: 3.72 Dean's List
■ Bachelor degree in Computer Science, minor in Mathematics
■ University of Massachusetts Boston, 2019 - 2023
Relevant Coursework:
■ CS410 Software Engineering
■ CS430 Database Management
■ CS450 The Structure of Higher Level Languages
■ CS446 Introduction to Internetworking
■ CS310 Data Structures and Algorithms
■ CS420 An Introduction to the Theory of Computation
■ CS444 Operating System
Technical Skills:
■ Object-oriented programming
■ Data Structures and Algorithms
■ GitHub Workflow
■ Functional programming
■ Scripting and Automation
■ Data Management
Languages: Java, SQL, Python, JavaScript, C, Racket, HTML, CSS
My Most Recent Resume Learn More


My works

My Projects

Full-Stack Kpop Review Platform

Full-Stack Project | Oct 2023 - Dec 2023

Spring Boot, ReactJS, MongoDB
■ Crafted a song review application utilizing Spring Boot as the back end and ReactJS as the front end.
■ Utilized Axios to fetch K-pop songs and review data from the back-end API in Spring Boot.
■ Implemented a RESTful API with endpoints to facilitate CRUD operations on K-pop contents.
■ Leveraged MongoTemplate to perform more complex MongoDB interactions, such as updating associated K-pop content documents with review IDs when a new review is created.
■ Employed Lombok to generate boilerplate code, reducing verbosity in both ”Kpop” and ”Review” classes.
■ Applied dependency injection with @Autowired annotations, automatically injecting instances into the ”ReviewService” class when it’s initialized.


CS410 Software Engineering | Feb 2023 - May 2023

LE-V-EL: Visualization Benchmarks for Machines
■ Designed a dynamic website showcasing rankings of machine graphical perception algorithms on benchmark datasets using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Jekyll.
■ Managed Python files using Miniconda to ensure smooth execution and mitigate conflicts on the server side.
■ Leveraged GitHub Workflow to automate project processes directly within the GitHub repository.
■ Implemented a robust lock mechanism based on YAML configuration file on the school server; prevented the risk of infinite loops and streamlined workflow efficiency during GitHub Action execution.
■ Standardized the datasets and improved calculation speed by 40% on the school’s server by employing scikit-learn (sklearn), numpy, and nltk for efficient data preprocessing and analysis tasks.

Twitter Bot

Extracurricular | May 2023 - Jun 2023

Automated Twitter Bot with Image Posting
■ Developed a Twitter bot based on AWS EC2 instance to select and upload pictures from a designated database once every 6 hours (still operational remotely).
■ Implemented a time-based CronJob to acquire the necessary components by Node.js; integrated the Twitter API for automated tweeting, optimizing efficiency with async/await for handling asynchronous tasks.
■ Leveraged PM2 for real-time monitoring management of the Twitter bot, ensuring consistent performance.
■ Published over 1,000 tweets to date and constantly gained followers.

My Experience

Teaching Assistant

UMass Boston, CS Department | Feb 2023 - Dec 2023

CS420: Intro to Theory of Computation
CS310: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
■ Assisted professor in grading assignments and projects.
■ Held office hours to help students with course material and homework assignments.
■ Collaborated with fellow TAs to plan instructional activities.
■ Communicated with students on Piazza and via email.

Website Designer

Part-time job | Jul 2023 - Aug 2023

A Start-up Company: Financial Education for Families
■ Collaborated with a designer to lead a successful website redesign project for a small finance company, amplifying their value proposition and strategic goals.
■ Leveraged user-centered design principles to optimize website navigation, resulting in enhanced user experience across various devices.
■ Managed project timelines, adapting to changing requirements and consistently exceeding milestones.
■ Integrated Google Domains to host the website.

CS Project Team Leader

CS410 Software Engineering | Feb 2023 - May 2023

LE-V-EL: Visualization Benchmarks for Machines
■ Coordinated project planning, task allocation, and progress tracking using Agile methodologies.
■ Facilitated communication among team members and with stakeholders to ensure project requirements were met.
■ Presented the project in front of clients and received an A at the end of the semester.

Math Tutor

Part-time job | Jan 2021 - Present

■ Provided individualized math tutoring services 4 hours a week to students of beginner level, focusing on areas of difficulty and tailoring instruction to meet specific needs.
■ Facilitated student progress, monitoring performance and adapting instruction to promote success and confidence.
■ Maintained regular communication with parents and students, providing progress updates and addressing concerns as needed.


Work Area

© Woody Lin. All Rights Reserved. Designed by MysteryCode. Modified by Woody Lin using Jekyll.